Matthew Newman
A passionate philanthropist, marketer and serial entrepreneur, Matthew Newman is the Founder and CEO of The Brand Pillars, LLC, a 7-figure, experiential marketing staffing agency laser-focused on giving clients complete access and control to highly trained and qualified personnel. He is the Founder and CEO of All In Coworking of Inglewood, and co-founder of the tech startup, VirtualCoworking.Community, which is the world's first black-owned video conferencing platform and entrepreneurial community.


Leadership Conference Speaker
Leadership is an understudied discipline that contributes to the misconception that people should follow your influence because of your corporate title or social status, However, neither a corporate title nor social influence objectively speak to the effectiveness of your influence as a leader and its impact on organizational culture, sales and revenue.
FEATURING YOU erases this misconception and replaces it with practical principles that can help any leader develop the essential leadership qualities that will make the masses like and trust them. It opens the mind and heart of the leader so that they are able to lead with true influence.